“Our Resident Council is dedicated to providing the best quality of life for all residents through caring, communication, collaboration and advocating for all.”
Our Mandate
The Resident Council provides a two-way communication link between residents and the Fairhaven administration. The council receives information, provides input and makes recommendations on activities, programs, products and services directed at providing quality of life for the residents. The RC advocates for resident and their rights.
Our Meetings
General meetings are organized to promote resident participation and good communication between the residents and the administration of Fairhaven.
Our meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month (except July and August) in The Great Room, starting at 10:00 a.m.
Council Information
A Resident Council information board is located outside the Resident Programs office on the third level. There you can find council information such as agendas, minutes and tracking forms.
All residents can attend Resident Council meetings.
Why Become a Member?
Fairhaven Resident Council members can be directly involved in a variety of roles. Resident Advisory Council members enjoy:
- Welcoming and supporting new Residents
- Representing the RC on subcommittees such as the Family Council and the Spiritual Care Committee
- Sharing experiences, educating and exchanging information with other residents and family
- Seeking solutions to common problems and advocating for Fairhaven Residents
- Providing advice and recommendations on quality of the care and operation of the home to the administration
50 – 50 Draw
To finance the activities of the Resident Council, an in-house 50-50 draw is held monthly. Tickets are sold to residents, volunteers, visitors and employees from the Reception desk and some Council members. A draw ticket is only 50 cents and a monthly consolation prize of $20 is also awarded. The draw is held at the monthly council meetings.
Resident Suggestions
Resident ideas are invited. Suggestions will be raised at the Council meeting for discussion. Recommendations are forwarded to the Fairhaven ED on a concern/recommendation form. Please leave a note for the Resident Council via the Suggestion Box, located to the left of the front entrance or click here to send a message directly to the Council Assistant.
Learn More
Support for the Resident Council is provided by Rhonda Lustic, Programs and Volunteer Manager. Please contact Rhonda for more information about the Resident Council at 705-743-0881, extension 248 or e-mail [email protected].