Volunteer Programs
“One Of The Greatest Gifts You Can Give Is Your Time
Become A Volunteer- Make A Difference”

Philosophy of Volunteer Involvement:
Volunteers have the same respect and trust that is given to Fairhaven staff. Volunteers dedicate their time and skills to enhance the quality of life of our residents. They abide by our mission and policies when providing high quality services within our home. Fairhaven encourages teamwork between staff and volunteers and is committed to providing a positive and rewarding experience for all.
Time commitments for volunteers are flexible depending on the volunteer role chosen.
There are many rewarding reasons to volunteer your time. As a Fairhaven volunteer, you can:
Develop new skills/ build experience
Make a difference
Meet new people
Complete mandatory hours
Give back to the community
Opportunities to fit interests
Available/ flexible scheduling
Explore career opportunities
Gain work experience
Share your experiences, talents, hobbies, and interests with others
Refine old skills and build new ones
And much, much more!
“No Act of Kindness, No Matter How Small, IS Ever Wasted”