In case you missed this list, here are some of the amazing messages of appreciation from families that keep coming in…I’ve received enough notes to distribute “FAIRHAVEN FAMILY THANK YOU NOTES:  VOLUME III.”  Once again, if I included all of the notes, in their entirety, this email would be a novel.  Here are some snippets since “Volume II” was published.  Thank you Fairhaven COVID-19 Tactical Response Unit members!

  1. “Each act of kindness by staff is appreciated more than you know”
  2. “I know they are working hard and under stressful circumstances.  If there is anything we could do for you and them, please let us know”
  3. “They all deserve a medal!”
  4. “I look at our waiting now and the eventual cautious reopening, as an investment in the health of our loved ones and an important sacrifice for the safety of staff who have worked so courageously and tirelessly for our loved ones”
  5. “Please be sure the staff know that we care about them, too.”
  6. “Thank you for listening.”
  7. “We can never adequately imagine or thank everyone for all they have done.”
  8. “so very grateful for the wonderful staff at Fairhaven”
  9. “Thank you all so much! Kudos to everyone there.”
  10. “Love and Prayers to all !!” 
  11. “My mother has shared how much she appreciated hearing live piano music in the hallway today. Eric is well loved by residents … and my mom’s favourite 🙂 …  and his playing really lifted her spirits.  Thank you for facilitating that, and please tell Eric how much it meant to my Mom.”  (I hope you don’t mind your name being included in this list ED; you mean a lot to folks)
  12. “I hear more good things about mom each day, and it is a huge comfort to know that she is doing so well.”
  13. “I hope you know how much we appreciate all your efforts, and the fact that everyone’s hard work has kept the virus out of Fairhaven.  Many thanks.”
  14. “Please share our appreciation again with all the staff, and reassure them that we know they are working hard and doing a great job.”
  15. “ We are well aware that Fairhaven is NOTHING like the homes described by the military.”
  16. “Thank you for all that you and every single staff member does.”
  17. “Your hard work and determination in staying ahead of the pandemic has been outstanding”
  18. “Let me reassure you that we’re so proud to be a part of the Fairhaven family. I know my Mom is receiving amazing care, and I know how kind and caring all of the staff members are.”
  19. “if anything good comes out of this pandemic, it will be the support for long term care homes and their staff who work so hard to keep everyone safe, well, and happy. It is long overdue; you deserve all the help you can get.”
  20. “Thank you to all the wonderful workers , that struggle to keep this place in the shape that it is……….. My prayers are with you all!”
  21. “She is very thankful for Fairhaven and all the care that has been provided to her father.”
  22. “Thanks for keeping everyone safe at Fairhaven.”
  23. “God bless you !!!!”
  24. “you’ve all taken such good care of our loved ones for so long.”
  25. “Thank you for all the good work that you and all the staff are doing; you are all the very best!”
  26. “And thank you very much for all your hard work toward keeping Fairhaven residents well.”
  27. “This initiative really demonstrates the high quality of care and thoughtfulness paid to the residents by the Fairhaven management, staff and caregivers.”
  28. “we know how fortunate we are to have mom at Fairhaven”
  29. “We are grateful for your vigilance.”
  30. “the high level of care and vigilance that I know Fairhaven provides”
  31. “Truly, we are grateful, and genuinely care about everyone’s well being.” 
  32. “You are doing such an excellent job through this whole nightmare…Thank you yet again.”

Lionel Towns, CPA, CMA

Executive Director



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